Wednesday, 2 February 2011

UNESCO Guidelines on Intercultural Education


A 43 page document, with a clear emphasis on the notion of human rights and the role that intercultural education has to play with promoting and guaranteeing human rights.

The preface reads as follows:

The Member States of UNESCO’s governing body have requested the
Organization to continue to “strengthen initiatives in the development of
materials for education and intercultural and interfaith understanding”*. At
the same time the World Programme for Human Rights Education as a UN initiative, coordinated jointly by UNESCO and the OHCHR, lays emphasis on the need for tolerance and respect of all peoples in the world through the inclusion of human rights principles in the school and the curriculum.

These Guidelines have been prepared as a contribution to the understanding of the issues around intercultural education. They draw together the key standard-setting instruments and the results of numerous conferences, in particular, the Expert Meeting held at UNESCO Headquarters in March 2006, in order to present those concepts and issues which may be used to guide future activities and policy making in this area.

The document reflects UNESCO’s unique role as international standard setter and convenor of diverse cultural and ideological perspectives. It is hoped that it will serve as a valuable practical resource for teachers and learners, curriculum developers, policy makers and community members alike, and all those who wish to promote Intercultural Education in interests of peace and understanding.

Hosted by UNESCO.